First up today is Bell's Two Hearted Ale. One of the first GULP! reviews was another Bell's product, Hopslam, a double IPA. Hopslam is one of Bell's seasonal beers, and is arguably one of their most popular brews. Today's review, Two Hearted Ale, is one of their 8 year round beers, and is of the (single) IPA configuration.

GULP! It Up! IPA's are quickly becoming a more personal favorite for me, over amber lagers, thanks to the standard calling card: hoppy bitterness and floral scents. Two Hearted does not disappoint when it comes to that. The bottle lets you know that you're in for a 'crisp finish' and 'an incredibly floral hop aroma'. They weren't kidding. In fact, Two Hearted is a very drinkable IPA. It does have the aforementioned bitterness, but it goes down very smooth with a crisp, malty backbone. For those not used to beers with a higher alcohol content, here is your warning: 7% ABV. Not 'too' high, but it certainly isn't the general average of 4.5%-6%. Not sure what the deal is with the fish though...
Grade the GULP! I am very pleased with this offering from Bell's. Crisp, hoppy, malty, and floral; it's just what you'd expect for a really good IPA. I feel very good about giving Bell's Two Hearted Ale a solid 9. Yes, matching last weeks high for Terrapin Wake'N'Bake Chocolate Oatmeal stout. I've been fortunate to have some pretty good beers lately, as the grades show. So, don't be scurred, give Bell's Two Hearted Ale a try! If you don't like IPA's, at least give this one a shot; and if you don't like it, well....
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