
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wells and Young's Banana Bread Beer

As promised, here is the second review of the day. Yesterday, I had class from 9am to 5pm. Yes, on Saturday. It's crazy I know, but there was a nice pay off afterwards. I went with a colleague/classmate to a dive bar just outside downtown Orlando for a couple drinks. After having an OBP on draft, it was time to try a beer that I had heard about for quite a while, but never was able to get my hands on: the Wells and Young's Banana Bread beer. If you haven't heard of it before, you read that right. It's a beer that tastes like banana bread! You shouldn't be too shocked though, I mean, they have beer that tastes like chocolate, ya know?

Before I get to the actual review, I think it's appropriate to go over a little history! Wells and Young's is not a pushover brewery. Wells and Young's, as it stands today, was formed in 2006 after a merger between Charles Wells LTD and Young's Brewery, both based in the UK. CW LTD was formed in 1876 in England, and Young's Brewery was formed in 1831, also in England. Needless to say, the combination of two such historic breweries in 2006 has left us with a huge UK company and some very interesting beer! And, believe it or not, Wells and Young's also brew Kirin Ichiban, Red Stripe (Hooray Beer!), Corona Extra, Estrella Damm, Modeolo Especial, Negra Modela, and Pacifico Clara. Who's the smart one now!? I'm so proud, my little readers are all grown up. Hell, for all I know, you might've known all this already. If so, well la-dee-da. Bitches. There'll be a test later. Moving on!

One of my first beer blog posts, not for GULP! but for another blog I was apart of, was "Top Ten Beers I'd Share with my Grandma". Looking back, I really, really wish I would've had this beer before making that list. Banana bread is one of those things that are like apple pie, it brings back memories of home and childhood, and more than likely, grandma made it best. I really think that any beer list that is associated with grandma, or any other family member who bakes such goods, should include this beer. I'm getting ahead of myself now though, so crank up the stove baby! It's time for some (liquid) banana bread!

Pour before you GULP! Since I was in a bar with little outside light, I didn't get a good shot of the beer in the glass. However, a good 'ol image search on Google will show you that this beer is a nice amber color. Placing the bottle next to it makes you wish there were some walnuts or bread crumbs floating around inside the glass. Don't get too upset though, because what you're about to experience might make up for those "shortfalls".

GULP! It Up! If you look back at the review of the Terrapin Wake'N'Bake, you'll see that I used the term "holy mother of ______". Well, I think it's time to use that phrase again. Holy Mother of Bananas! This brew is straight up bananas, literally. Right from the get go you can smell the mixture of bananas and nuts. I have to say though, the smells, combined with the flavors, while drinking... it's almost too much. Don't get me wrong, it's ridiculously good, but for a beer, you start to wonder about adjuncts and what a beer is supposed to be. But, it is so good, I say to hell with all that. At 5.2% ABV, and the banana flavors, this turns out to be a very drinkable ale!

Grade the GULP! Okay, this is a pretty easy one for me. 9. This is definitely one of my favorite beers now. I don't think it'd be possible to have three in a row, but two wouldn't be bad. Over the year, I can see this as a new favorite during the holidays and during parties with friends. If you've never had this brew before, do yourself a favor and go find it. If you have and you were unsure about it, give it another shot. As for grandma, she'll get a new list when the year is through!

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