
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Southern Tier Brewing Company Imperial Pumking

Here comes the beer review that everyone, well, maybe one or two people, were waiting for. Southern Tier Imperial Pumking. Let's get our standard history and data lesson in first.

This Pumpking came available from a 22 oz bottle. The label is black, orange, and gray with a pumpkin king in the middle. On the side of the label we're given our lesson: "Pumking is an ode to PĂșca, a creature of Celtic folklore, who is both feared and respected by those who believe in it. PĂșca is said to waylay travelers throughout the night, tossing them on its back, and providing them the ride of their lives, from which they return forever changed! Brewed in the spirit of All Hallows Eve, a time of year when spirits can make contact with the physical world and when magic is most potent. Pour Pumking into a goblet and allow it’s alluring spirit to overflow. As spicy aromas present themselves, let its deep copper color entrance you as your journey into this mystical brew has just begun. As the first drops touch your tongue a magical spell will bewitch your taste buds making it difficult to escape. This beer is brewed with pagan spirit yet should be enjoyed responsibly. " (

When first poured, there wasn't much head at all. However, it pours a very lovely golden rust orange color. The scents are a mixture of pumpkin pie, vanilla, nutmeg, caramel, and general "spiciness". A little bit of squash also peeks through if you smell hard enough. The back end is very light and smooth. There isn't much bite, but you can certainly feel the aforementioned spices and flavors. In fact, it goes down a bit like a light wine. It also reminds me a little bit of Weyerbacher Pumpkin, which had a bit more of a nutmeg flavor to it. 

Overall this is a fantastic seasonal beer, without a doubt the best one I've had so far. Full disclosure, I have yet to try Cigar City Good Gourd, which I've heard/read is quite the competitor. But, I strongly recommend getting your hands on this beer. I'm confident it will make you re-think your previous seasonal choices :) 

ABV: 8.6%

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