
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ommegang - Witte

I have an apology to make. Yesterday, within the post for the Key West Southernmost Wheat, I mentioned that I would have a second review for the night. Well, sadly, I got really lazy after I posted that, and as you can tell, I did not have two posts yesterday. What can I say, after writing the review I needed to get some homework done. Being in the last semester of my graduate program, there are times when I have to put fun aside and get some real writing done. That statement is actually a good segway into something I want to blab about before tonight's review. I want to give a "shout-out-thank-you" to Molly, and Jess (of the Drink Matron blog). I appreciate the kind, positive feedback I received from yesterdays posting. Those who visit this site looking for some fun reading, I suggest you click on over the Jess' site,, and follow what they do over there. The way I see it, all bloggers are in this "fight" together and we should all promote each other's blogs. So, having said that, thank you Molly, and thank you Jess! The next drink's on me!

Yesterday was BBQ chicken night in our household, and it also turned in to wheat beer night. I've had about a half dozen, or maybe a few more, wheat beers. Actually, one night, at our favorite bar, I had three different types in one sitting. Needless to say, I was "wheated out" after that night, but I think I've recovered now. Even with that, up until last night, I had never had an Ommegang offering. For those who don't know, Ommegang is based out of Cooperstown, New York. For those who don't know, that is the location of the MLB Hall of Fame. For those who don't know, baseball and beer go really well together (that's the understatement of the century). Now that you know at least three things, Ommegang specializes in Belgian wheat beers, so to say that the Witte is part of their specialty, is probably a stupid statement. But, I already said it, so the joke's on me.

Pour before you GULP! When pouring wheat beers, there is one thing you should expect: golden hues of gold. Much like the Key West S.W. from yesterday, my wife and I were greeted with a lovely golden liquid with a full foamy head. It's just saying to you "Hey, don't drink me just yet, stare for a few more minutes". Well, don't wait too long though, then it will get warm. That'd be nasty.

GULP! It up! There should be a few specific things you think about when thinking about summer. Beach, Baseball, Babes, and Beer. Specifically, wheat beer. Soft on the palette and full of summertime like flavors, Ommegang Witte does not dissatisfy in what you'd expect from a traditional Belgian wheat. Defined on the bottle as a "citrusy bouquet", you will be welcomed with the typical wheat beer offerings: citrus and yeast. While not packed with strange flavors or complex hops, Witte is a perfect companion with summertime grub - that includes my wifes special carribean BBQ sauce chicken.

Grade the GULP! Ommegang Witte is your standard Belgian wheat ale. You won't find anything out of the ordinary, so for a company saying that they specialize in Belgian brews, that's not really a shortfall. On our 1-10 GULP! scale, I'll give Witte and 7. It sits at 5.1% ABV, so have a few, eat some fish taco's or caribbean chicken and dream about the four B's coming up in just a few months (oh, and if you're a young lass, it'd just be three B's I suppose. Sorry about that. We're an equal opportunity employer I swear!).

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