
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stone Brewing Co - Levitation Ale

Hello faithful, adoring, GULP! readers. As we enter week two of GULP! life, we continue our journey for delicious, unique brews. Before we hit today's review, I want to thank everyone for, what I would consider, a successful first week. We had over 200 page impressions, and made a few pennies through advertising; both of which was more than I thought. Please continue to tell your friends about the page and definitely leave me comments, for I am certainly not a "beer genius" and I would love to hear your input. Enough with the sappy stuff, let's drink!

Up for today is an award winning beer from the Stone Brewing Company: Levitation Ale. Levitation Ale has been around since 2002 and won the Gold Medal at the 2007 Great American Beer Festival (GABF for short). I had heard of Stone when I purchased this, but to be totally honest, I basically bought this beer because of the bottle; I thought the beer drinking devil guy was cool. I know, that's pretty lame, but we have an honesty policy around here and I'd hate for HR to report me for being unethical. Anyway, now that I've had a few sips, and since we're in to week 2 of our adventure, I'm going to try to start a little more official review system. Drum roll please.

Pour before you GULP! Levitation Ale is an amber red ale, so as expected, I got the amber red color I was looking for in my glass. As I've said in a previous post, I'm a big fan of amber ales, so as far as color is concerned, Levitation did not disappoint. I was also greeted by a decent sized head.

GULP! It up! Stone Levitation Ale is a great amber red ale and is worthy of sitting in your fridge for an eventual doom into your stomach. There are great hints of citrusy hops and a bit of pine. Overall, I like the smells and the flavors during the drinking process. Levitation is only 4.4% ABV, really adding to the drinkability factor. Since the hops and malt flavors are not too intense, this is easily drinkable for almost any occasion. In fact, the big selling point for Levitation ale, according to the huge write up on the back of the bottle, is that this is the most flavor you'll experience in a beer that is only 4.4% ABV.

Grade the GULP! On a scale of 1 to 10, I give Stone Brewing Co. Levitation Ale a 7.5. I appreciate the sell of "more flavor, low ABV", however, I would've liked maybe 5.5%. But hey, who am I? Come to think of it, I may need to rethink this grade, I don't want to tick off the beer drinking devil on the bottle.

P.S. I just bought some generic beer glasses, so you'll be seeing less of the Blue Point glass.

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