
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

We've been on a Dogfish Head kick lately. Last Friday was Dogfish Head Brewery Night at World of Beer Lake Mary, where I very much enjoyed Pearl Jam Twenty Faithfull Ale, and Palo Santo Marron. Then on Saturday night I had Midas Touch. All three were very solid, unique, and tasty. I'd say the most unique was one my wife had, the Sah'tea, which is flavored with black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and black pepper. I really don't like tea, but this beer smells like tea and just when you think it would taste like it, it doesn't; which I really enjoyed. So, I wanted to keep this fish afloat through this week, so tonight I'm drinking DFH 90 Minute IPA.

Last year I had 60 Minute, which was really good, but 90 Minute is argued by some/most to be the best Imperial IPA in the world. What makes 90 Min so unique is that it's continually hopped for 90 minutes, then it is dry hopped in the "Me So Hoppy" machine. What does all this mean? Well, it's probably best to hear it from Sam Calagione himself:

Let's get to it. After pouring a light gold, the 90 fills out a nice burnt orange/red color. Very floral scent, typically of a solid IPA. Off topic for a minute, when I show people some of the stouts I drink, they see how dark in color they are, and automatically ask how thick is tastes. Most of the time though, they're pretty easy drinking (maybe except the Terrapin Wake'n'Bake). Well, this IPA actually tastes thick to me. The combination of strong hops and malt have really created a unique texture and flavor. I wish I would've had 60 Min recently so I could compare the two.

Out of all craft beers and beer styles, I feel like the IPA gives people the most trouble. If you're looking to expand your palate, this is a must. If you're a pro, I'm sure you've already had it. But if you're a beginner, start slower, but put this on your to-do list. Like all Dogfish products are must-have's, this is a must-have IPA. Period. 

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