
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier

Tonight's review is from a brewery everyone should be familiar with - Samuel Adams. I haven't reviewed a Sam Adams product on the blog before mainly because they're the "macro"-"micro" brewery. I'm ashamed to admit that, but it is what it is. They're kinda like that first job you get outta college... you have to go through them to learn, and once you move on, that's it. In reality though, they were one of the first big time craft brewers and have grown immensely. Unfortunately, they've paid the price from beer snobs. Well, no more I say! It's time to treat Sam with more respect! Not to mention the Patriots play in the Super Bowl on Sunday, and we're taking a trip to Boston in a couple months, which includes planning a trip to the brewery, I need to polish up on my Sam Adams repertoire.

The beer I'm drinking is from the Brewmasters Collection: Blackberry Witbier. From the bottle: "Only a specific blackberry could bring the subtle flavor that we wanted for this brew. These Marion blackberries from Oregon give a hint of blackberry in the aroma and taste and perfectly complement the refreshing and crisp flavors of the witbier. Cheers!" Basically what we're working with is a wheat beer infused with blackberries. Let's do this.

The BB pours the typical golden hue with a pretty decent head. Yeah, scent wise, you're blasted with blackberries. The first sip was kind of overwhelming, a bit cold medicine-ish. But after a few more sips, the  malt comes through and sort of calms down the berries. Interestingly enough, there is no after taste or bitterness in the end. All flavors end rather abruptly. The scent of blackberries continues throughout the drinking process, which continues to be light and crisp. Overall, this is a very drinkable beer, but one at a time as the blackberry has a solid presence throughout.

This is an alright beer. The overwhelming blackberry drowns out the rest of the drink, but without it I think it would lack any type of profile. I do recommend you try it though. As the originally craft brewery, we should continue to support their products just like we would any other craft brewery. Go America!

Oh by the way, 5.5% ABV. Get to drinkin'!

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